Our Mission
Serving the Twin Cities Metro by fostering Transformation and creating Community that will last Generations!
For a Greater Purpose
With many changes happening in the world, more is known now than ever before. With more knowledge and more statistics, we have the opportunity to make advocacy and bring the city together as one through hardships and struggle.
Right now our city and quite frankly our nation is divided. Rich vs Poor, Black vs White, Immigrant vs Citizen, Educated vs Uneducated, Republican vs Democrat. At the end of the day, we are one, that form One City. Every city has people, which means every city has needs that need to be addressed. This is where One City supports all walks of life and urban churches to fill the gap of those needs.
Historically, the statistics and struggles of single parent households, the opportunity for minority youth to voice their opinions and thoughts to speak their truth, and to have a common place through struggles and be real to who we are within our communities, has not happened and all of these need to happen now, more than ever before. One City’s ultimate goal is to drive positive impact through building community connections, emergency resources and transformational guidance to ensure long term success and changing the narrative for future generations.
Our Mission
One City is a nonprofit that supports people from all walks of life, impacted by hardship, through community connections, emergency resources, and transformational guidance leading to generational impact!
With more awareness of economic and social differences, struggles and hardships being shown throughout our world in the last couple years, One City evolved from the passion and love to transform the lives of those around us through three main initiatives:
Community Engagement and Outreach
The uniqueness of how this collaboration and culture of people innovation is driven by already built out programs from The Friendship Project (previous nonprofit) with the need to inclusively expand to include other families for a greater purpose.